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Create New Student Profile

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Welcome to the Olds College Continuing Education registration site!

Please follow the instructions to set up your new profile prior to registering for a class.

Remember to check your profile for correct email information - you will be emailed your confirmation, receipt and any class specific information.

Once you have successfully set up your profile, please note your Username and Password for future access.

Create New Student Profile

Once you have created a profile, your Username will be confirmed by email.

Your profile account allows you to:

  • Register/pay for new offerings such as classes (both online and classroom).
  • View current registrations along with the details such as location, start date and time, etc.
  • Reprint receipts and confirmations.
  • View waiting list status.

Returning Students

If you have already set up your profile, please:

Use your username and password to sign in here.  Please note that the password is case sensitive.

If you have registered with us since January  3, 2017 and cannot remember your username, call 1-800-661-6537 ask for Continuing Education and our staff would be happy to assist you.  If you know your username but not your password, click Forgot Your Password in the login screen.
* denotes required information.

Username: minimum 6 characters
Password: minimum 8 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
 Privacy Policy
Preferred First Name

If different then above
Former Name(s)

Example: Maiden Name
Social Insurance Number

CRA Requirement for 2019 for Canadians
Alberta Student Number (ASN)

Please enter ASN if known

Primary Address
Secondary Address

Additional phone
Olds College Banner ID (new)

Olds College Banner ID (9 digits)
Citizenship & Immigration Information*
Canadian Citizen
Permanent Resident
International Applicant
Country of Citizenship

For International Student Only
Native Language
If you wish to declare that you are an Indigenous person, please specify: