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Microcredentials >> Badge: Cannabis Sativa L.
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Canada has been given a unique opportunity with the nation-wide legalization of recreational cannabis. The recreational cannabis industry continues to expand to meet the demand. The front-line of this industry is retail specialists. To be effective and maintain mobility, retailers need to be prepared with knowledge of cannabis history, regulation, genetics, plant biology, human physiology, product knowledge and application. CNB 7100 will lay the foundations of cannabis knowledge through a research-based approach, ideal for retailers, educators, and others to enhance their theoretical and practical skills in this burgeoning industry.

Badge1: Cannabis Sativa L

What is “Cannabis”? What varieties does it come in? How do the varieties differ, and why? This badge will explore the details of cannabis and its subspecies, including how it interacts with the human body on a physiological and receptor level.

Register by badge for a discount OR register by each microcredential that fits your needs.
The badge is made up of the following microcredentials:
Microcredential # 1: Major subspecies of Cannabis Sativa L
Microcredential # 2: Plant anatomy and active ingredients
Microcredential # 3: CB1 and CB2 receptors
Microcredential # 4: Phytocannabinoids


Please click on the course title to see the full course description.

If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and number when e-mailing or calling.

All online classes have a 2-week registration deadline. In the event we have availability after this time, there will be an admin fee charged for processing a late registration. Please call 403-556-4740 to check availability.