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Land and Environment >> Turf Science Certificate
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This program addresses general and specialized aspects of the science, current cultural systems and construction practices for the turf industry. Courses provide practical applications relevant to parks, sports turf, golf course, professional lawn care, sod production and turf-related sales/service sectors. We welcome individuals new to the industry, along with those wanting formal education to match or broaden their professional expertise. After gaining a grounding in common turf science principles, you are able to select a focus in Parks and Sports turf, or Golf Course Turf.
- 2 required courses + 1 elective
- Each course is 9 weeks in duration
- All courses entirely online, fitting your schedule
- No previous college education necessary
- Eligible for the Alberta-Canada Job Grant


Please click on the course title to see the full course description.

If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and number when e-mailing or calling.

All online classes have a 2-week registration deadline. In the event we have availability after this time, there will be an admin fee charged for processing a late registration. Please call 403-556-4740 to check availability.



Class ID: 4312

Start date: 03/24/25

End date: 05/30/25

CRN Number: N11312

Instructional Method: Online

Tuition: $899.00

Location: Online

Class ID: 4313

Start date: 03/24/25

End date: 05/30/25

CRN Number: N11313

Instructional Method: Online

Tuition: $899.00

Location: Online

Class ID: 4608

Start date: 10/06/25

End date: 12/12/25

CRN Number: N41608

Tuition: $899.00

Location: Online