National Meat Training Centre >> Animal Welfare & Humane Slaughter
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This stand alone on-line course is designed as a cohesive overview of the theory and applications that relate to the slaughter of all species that are processed in Canada. The program is a great asset to new and experienced professionals in the industry to keep up with increasing humane slaughter continuing education requirements.
This program consists of 6 individual courses that are designed to be taken as a whole package to give a wide overview and comprehensive understanding of humane slaughter practices in Canada. Each course can be taken over a 3 month time span to fit in with your busy professional life. Since this is a completely stand alone, on-line delivery, it is a cost effective training that will help decrease travel costs involved with traditional centralized training.
The courses are interactive and extremely user friendly, with real life examples making this a useful, concrete learning tool.
This stand alone on-line course is designed as a cohesive overview of the theory and applications that relate to the slaughter of all species that are processed in Canada. The program is a great asset to new and experienced professionals in the industry to keep up with increasing humane slaughter continuing education requirements.
This program consists of 6 individual courses that are designed to be taken as a whole package to give a wide overview and comprehensive understanding of humane slaughter practices in Canada. Each course can be taken over a 3 month time span to fit in with your busy professional life. Since this is a completely stand alone, on-line delivery, it is a cost effective training that will help decrease travel costs involved with traditional centralized training.
The courses are interactive and extremely user friendly, with real life examples making this a useful, concrete learning tool.
Please click on the course title to see the full course description.
If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and number when e-mailing or calling.
All online classes have a 2-week registration deadline. In the event we have availability after this time, there will be an admin fee charged for processing a late registration. Please call 403-556-4740 to check availability.
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